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Wednesday 11 December 2013

Folksongs and carols from Slovenia

Performed  by: Womens Choir "Katice"

Tracks :
1. Falen bodi Jezoš Kristuš
2. Koko more to biti
3. Oj, fijole
4. Na samo jutro sviečenca
5. Svet Jožef in Marija
6. Ore ti triji krajave
7. Dobro večer bog daj
8. Slišali smo praviti
9. Vam darujemo
10. Glejte, glejte kaj je tam
11. Miklauž ima sivo glavo
12. Trije kralji so brali
13. Ena zvezda je prišla
14. Svečnica se približuje
15. Hvalen bodi Jezus Kristus
16. Glej zvezdice božje

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for continuing the blog, just found it today. Wish I could see the posts and the links from the previous blog, but hope you can continue your great work on this new one. I personally love folk music, especially from the Balkans, Russian and other ex-Soviet Union countries. Will be coming here everyday to see new posts!

    Best regards from Portugal.
