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Saturday, 31 May 2014

Classic Russian folk tunes

Ensemble Barynya

1. Ekh ty berioza
2. Kak Donskie kozaki
3. Ja vstretil vas
4. Oi moroz moroz
5. Murka
6. Katiusha
7. Katiusha - instrumental
8. Subbotelya
9. Otchi tchornyy
10. Syn Stepana Razina
11. Vals Andeyeva
12. Oi Varenyka Varenyka
13. Gori Gori lyubov ciganki
14. Vo kuzyitse
15. Styjep do styjep grugom
16. Kak za Donom za rekoy
17. Svetyit mesyats
18. Vo polye oreshtchina
19. Tzar Nikolay
20. Nyedorostok
21. Tchastushki
22. Korobyushka
23. Devotchka Nadya
24. Varenitchki
25. Kalinka
26. Ty mnie nitki ne motay
27. Oi tzvetyot kalyna
28. Podmoskovskie vetchera - instrumental
29. Podmoskovskie vetchera
30. Muzhshkie stradaniye
31. Dorogoy dlinnoyu
32. Nataliya
33. Vetchernyy zvon

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Sea shanties, sailor songs

Cabestan: Tempete pour sortir
Marine songs from France and Québec

1.Faut avoir du courage
2.Tempete pour sortir
3.Reels Quebecois
4.Le 15 avril
5.Le capitaine de Saint Malo
6.Le pont de Morlaix
7.A Baton Rouge sont arrivés
8.La Danaé
9.Le départ de Ti Louis
10.Les filles à cinq deniers
11.Navigant dans le port de Nantes
12.Trois matelots de port de Nantes
13.Mond da bellvro

Flemish sailor songs from Belgium
Performed by: t'Kliekske


1.Wilde Vaart
2.Haal Op
4.Schipper, Ik Wil Varen
5.Matelotte Masseurke
6.Het Afscheyd
7.Alle Hens Aan Dek
8.Het Voer Een Visscher Visschen
12.In 't Schipperskwartier
13.De Roep Van De Zeemeermin
14.Mijn Vader Vaart Op Zee
16.Ik Voer Laatst Over Zee
18.Van Den Versmoorden Zeeman
21.Wij Varen Naar Santiago

Gloucester Hornpipe & Clog Society
Folksongs from New England, celtic tunes from American colonial times


1. The Ebenezer / Liberty
2. The Ballad of Deborah Samson
3. Castle Island Waltz / Rolling in the Ryegrass
4. The Patent Leather Waltz
5. Full and Bye            
6. The Cape Cod Hornpipe / Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier
7. The Sea-serpent of Cape Ann
8. Jacky Tar / Off to California
9. Lovely Ernestina
10. The Rosabella
11. The Jamaica Plain Rag
12. The Lady in Black
13. Zim's Jig / the Gallowglass / the Tar Road to Sligo
14. The Constitution Hornpipe / the Constitution and the Guerriere



1.Karispers Polska/Gärdebylaten/Walla Fjord
2.An American Army Of Two
3.Moran's Hornpipe/Raftery's Favorite/The Friendly Visit
4.The Factory Girl's Come-All-Ye
5.The Diamond
6.Message In A Bottle
7.Katy Cruel
8.Mulloy's Reel/The Drunken Tinker/The High Reel
9.The Easy Winners
10.The Children's Hour
11.Suzanna Martin
12.Tous Les Bourgeois De Chartres/Le Carillon De Dunkerque
13.Tyree Love Song

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Pentecost in Central Europe

I. Fölvirradtunk / We have woken
1. Akik mára fölvirradtunk / We have woken today* magyar / Hungarian
II. Könyörögjünk / Let us pray
2. Könyörögjünk az Istennek, Szentlelkinek/ Let us pray to God, his Holy Spirit * református magyar / Hungarian Calvinist
3. Te tanítád régenten a prófétákat/ You taught the prophets in olden times * református magyar / Hungarian Calvinist
III. Teremtő Szentlélek / Creator Spirit
4. Veni Creator Spiritus * Latin
5. O, doďi, Stvorče, Duše Svet / Come, Creator Spirit * horvát / Croatian
6. Ó, jöjj, teremtő Szentlélek/ O Come, Creator Spirit * evangélikus magyar / Hungarian
IV. Lengyel Pünkösd / Polish Pentecost
7. Duchu Najświętszy, otwórz usta moje / Szentlélek, nyisd meg ajkamat / Holy Spirit, open my lips* lengyel / Polish
V. Osztrák Pünkösd / Austrian Pentecost
8. Pfingstenlied / Pünkösdi dal / Pentecostal song* német / German
VI. A Pünkösdnek jeles napja / The feast day of Pentecost
9 Ascendit Christus hodie * Latin
10. A Pünkösdnek jeles napján / On the feast day of Pentecost * református magyar / Hungarian Calvinist
V ten sviatok krásny / Azon a gyönyörű ünnepen / On that beautiful feast* református szlovák / Slovak Calvinist
VII. Piros pünkösd napja / The day of red Pentecost
11. Ma vagyon piros pünkösd napja I. / This is the day of red Pentecost i* magyar / Hungarian
12. Ma vagyon piros pünkösd napja II. / This is the day of red Pentecost ii * magyar / Hungarian
13. A pünkösdnek jeles napját /The feast day of Pentecost * magyar / Hungarian
14. A pünkösdnek jeles napja / The feast day of Pentecost * magyar / Hungarian
VIII. Román pünkösdi férfitánc / Romanian men’s Pentecostal dance
15. Câluşari
IX. Hesspávázás / Shooing off the peacock
16. Hess páva, hess páva / Shoo, peacock, shoo, peacock* magyar / Hungarian
X. Bosnyák és sokác pünkösdi népi dallamok / Bosnian and Chokatz Pentecostal 
folk tunes
17. Išla cura / Ment a kislány /The girl has gone *bosnyák / Bosnian
18. Poveď kolo Kraljo /Járd a kólót, Kraljo / Dance the kolo, Kralyo *sokác / Chokatz
19. Od dvora, do dvora / Udvartól udvarig / From yard to yard *sokác / Chokatz
XI. Aranykapu / Golden gate
20. Elvetettem a lenemet/ I have sown the flax * magyar / Hungarian
21. Jöjj el, által jöjj el / Come down, come through* magyar / Hungarian
22. Ma vagyon, ma vagyon / Today it is, today it is* magyar / Hungarian
XII. Bunyevác Pünkösd / Bunjevatz Pentecost
23. Okrenise Olo / Indulj el, Olo / Set out, Olo
Ova kuća draga / Ez a kedves ház / This nice house
Kata, Kata / Cathie, Cathie
XIII. Szlovák népi dallamok / Slovak folk tunes
24. A v nedeľu Rusadeľnú / Pünkösd vasárnapján / On Pentecost Sunday
25. Omilienci chodia / A szeretők járnak / Lovers go round
XIV. Cseh Pünkösd / Czech Pentecost
26. Radujme se vždy společně/ Örvendezzünk mindig közösen / Let us always rejoice together
27. Ty, kdo jsi srdce věrného/ Te, aki hűséges szívű vagy /You who are faithful in heart
28. Těšiteli, Duchu svaty / Örvendeztető Szentlélek / Holy Spirit, source of joy
29. Dnešního dne splnilo se/ A mai nap beteljesült / It has been accomplished today
XV. Jöjj, Szentlélek / Come, Holy Spirit
30. Jöjj el, Szentlélek, Isten / Come, Holy Spirit, God * magyar / Hungarian
31. Veni Sancte Spiritus * Latin
32. Jöjj, Szentlélek Úristen / Come, Holy Spirit, Lord * magyar / Hungarian (3’14’’)
Duchu Sväty príď z neba /Szentlélek, szállj le az égből / Holy Spirit, descend from heaven * szlovák / Slovak
33. Hodi k nam, o Duch Sveti / Jöjj el hozzánk, ó Szentlélek, / Come to us, o Holy
Spirit * szlovén / Slovenian
Najboli náš vračiteľ / A mi legjobb gyógyítónk / Our perfect healer * horvát / Croatian
34. Jövel, Szentlélek Úristen / Come, Holy Spirit * református magyar / Hungarian
Príď, Duchu Sväty / Jöjj el, Szentlélek / Come, Holy Spirit * evangélikus szlovák / Slovak Lutheran
XVI. Teremtő Lélek / Creator Spirit
35. Teremtő Lélek, jöjj közénk/ Creator Spirit, come to us* magyar / Hungarian

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Traditional Sephard Jewish Music

Traditional Jewish Music from Spain

"Ensemble Accentus was established in Vienna in 1988 and now consists of thirteen musicians, appearing in various groupings. On some occasions guest artists join the ensemble to contribute specialised skills or complete the demands of the repertoire. Of particular interest is the early music of Spain, with its fertile mixture of cultures, a source of wider inspiration to music of the Renaissance. Accentus has paid special attention to the improvisatory element in performance practice of the period." Read more...

1. Avrix mi galanica

2. La Serena
3. Sa'dâwî
4. Partos trocados
5. Yo m'enamori d'un aire / Las estrellas de los cielos
6. Si verias
7. Lullaby; A la nana
8. Omorfoula
9. El rey que muncho madruga
10. Páxaro d'hermozura
11. Esta montaña d'enfrente
12. Kavaldulka
13. Por la tu puerta yo pasi
14. Hija mia mi querida
15. Nani, nani
16. Ya viene le cativo
17. Rahelica baila

Haugaard & Høirup: Duo For Violin & Guitar

Traditional And Contemporary Danish Music


1. Trekant
2. Bladet
3. Riedl i. F
4. Aftet ved søen
5. Niels Jørgensens polka
 6. Frændeløs
7. Arnes polka
8. Menuet No. 60
9. To kasser øl 
10. Allemand
11. Stjernen øver Nürnberg
12. Maries hopsa 
13. Slottet

Folk dances from North Germany and South Denmark

1 Alsinger Sextur
2 Alsinger Kontra
3 Liflig Sang
4 Helgoländer Söbensprung
5 Kontra Ottetur
6 Galoping Tappenstreg
7 Rugbjerg Firtur
8 Pærevals
9 Det Blaa Flag
10 Kontrasejre
11 Ballon Firtur
12 Holsteiner Dreitur
13 Oldmors o e Te æ
14 Pigernes Fornøjelse
15 Holsteiner Kegel
16 Mecklenburger Schottisch
17 Kegel
18 Kiekerdanz
19 Kontra-Vals
20 Polsk Firtur

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Music from Provence, France

Vincent Montagnard & Xavier Arena

1. Farandole
2. Le Bon Lever
3. Pastre De Montagno
4. Un Angeloun
5. Collinette A La Cour
6. Collinette Au Pharo
7. Collinette
8. Air De Chasse
9. Marches Processionnelles
10. Polka Coquette
11. Farandole Cabasse
12. Farandole Du Rhone
13. Farandole De La Crau
14. La Combertoise

Rigadoon of Southern Alps

1. Bal À Saint-Etienne en Devoluy
2. Rigobert, Rigodon de Saint-Jacques
3. Digo Janette
4. Rigodon de Gouglione, Ai Cinq Sous
5. Mazurka
6. Jardin d'Amour
7. La Tante Genevive
8. Las Fillas des Las Eiras, Ma Maire N'Avia Qu'un Anheu
9. Polka l'Ami Piolet
10. Polka l'Ami Piolet, la Rosanise
11. La Montagne
12. Commentaire
13. Rigodon de Vandemie, Paure Gramuse
14. Rigodon de Chateau d'Ancelle
15. Rigodon du Vercors
16. Entorna Te Braisse
17. La Iren Plus Dansa
18. Sieu Amoros de Ma Vesina
19. Valse de Giovanni Bernardi
20. Gue Faites-Vous Bergeré-, Tu Vas À Champipi, la Déraillée de Laye
21. La Bouteille Roulera
22. Marche, Les Pénitents, Les Bergers, Rigodon d'Orciére, Tigodon du

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Ensemble Dragatuš

Folksongs and dances from Slovenia - Bela Krajina district

1.Aj, zelena je vsa gora  
Tancaj, tancaj črni kos 
Ostani, sinko Janko, tu
Tancaj, tancaj črni kos
3.Mara županova 
4.Na Ivanje večero 
Lepa Anka 
Lepa Anka
Lipa moja
Hruške, jabuke, slive
Ivanič kolo
6. Vsi so venci veli  
7. Zelena mala dubrava 
8. Medley 
Ena ptička
Izrasla mi šenica
Žumberačko kolo
Carska kasa
Svatsko kolo (Zvezda)
9. Pridi mi, dragi, na večer! 
10. Zora puca  
11. Tri jetrve 
12. Varalo - a merry story 
13. Medley 
Starinski valček
14. Vrtec ograjen 
15. Medley
Zvanje k daru
Tam, kjer polko špilajo
Pretikavica (Vrečo šivat)
16. Vse tičice lepo pojo  
17. Medley 
Pekel – Nebesa 
Lepš'ga ni drevesa (Lipa)
Lahko noč
Stoji zelena lipica
Vabilo v kolo
Tribučko kolo
Preljuba kuma naša
18. Medley 
An, cvaj, draj 
Izraslo mi eno drevce
Semiška polka
An, cvaj, draj
Lepa Anka
Semiški valček
19. Lepo je tam v Beli krajini

Tambura orchestra from Novi Sad, (Vojvodina, Serbia)

"He has always been, in jazz speech, a band leader. Unification of orchestra's sound is something unique, something we could hear only at uncle Janika's. However, his solo parts are something unique, they had an emotion which is impossible to explain. Among thousands of tambouritzas, it was always easy to recognize the one of Janika Balaž." 
(Jovan Adamov, conductor of Radio Novi Sad dance orchestra)

Zvonko Bogdan & Janika Balaž

Perfomed by: Janika Balaž & his orchestra  (Novi Sad, Vojvodina Serbia)

1. Splet Romansi I Igari (10'24")
- Osam Tamburaša s Petrovaradina
- Što To Susti Bagrem Beli
- Stari Cigan
- Dva Čardaša
2. Da Smo Se Ranije Sreli (2'13")
3. Vec Odavno Spremam Svog Mrkova (4'04")
4. Zalim Te Momce (2'14")
5. Zašto Ne Smem Da Te Ljubim (4'26")
6. Teško Mi Je Zaboravit Tebe (1'49")
7. Ciganka Mi Gatala Na Travi (2'16")
8. Bledi Mesec (2'13")
9. Koliko Te Volim (4'07")
10. Šagradiću šajku (2'34")
11. Sa Jasike Sa Visoke (4'34")
12. Galop Kolo (1'16")
13. Lakše, Lakše Moj Konjicu (3'28")
14. Evo Srcu Mom Radosti (2'33")
15. Oj Spomence, Plavo Cveće (3'57")
16. Ja Sam Momak Široma (2'43")
17. Osam Tamburaša S Petrovaradina (3'40")

Janika Balaž and his orchestra: Tunes from Banat and Hungarian "Csárdás" 

Gruppo Folk Morolo

Morolo is a commune (municipality) in the Province of Frosinone in the Italian region Lazio, located about 70 km southeast of Rome. It had a population of 3200.

In 't Staminee

Traditional Flemish songs and music
with t'Kliekske, Belgium

1. March
2. Suite
3. 't Sneeuwwit Vogelken
4. Ariette
5. Le Polisson Contredanse
6. De Leermarchand
7. Aria Van Den Primus In Den Valck
8. Schreefdans
9. La Vénitienne
10. Een Jongeling Was 's Morgens Vroeg Opgestaan
11. Pitjesbakmazurka
12. Menuet
13. Een Meisje Van 17 Jaar
14. Cantilena Falconi
15. La Petite Parisienne - Air - Autre
16. Man Gij Moet Naar Huis
17. Matelotte
18. Allemande
19. Zatte Katrijn
20. Musette Van 't Estaminet
21. Liedeken Van De Peetermans Ofte Lovenaers
22. Aria Van De Primus De Cock Peeterman

Pizzica Taranta

Traditional songs and dances from Puglia, Italy

1. Pizzica Tarantata Indiavolata
2. Pizzica Tarantata Sorda
3. Pizzica Pizzica di Corigliano
4. Pizzica Pizzica di Nociglia
5. Pizzica Scherma a Torrepaduli
6. Pizzica Pizzica di Cutrofiano
7. Pizzica Pizzica di Martano
8. Scotis di Cutrofiano
9. Scotis di Corigliano
10.Polka di Nociglia
11. Quadriglia
12. Quadriglie E Tarantelle
13. Tarantella
14. Valzere a Striscio
15. Marzucca di Corigliano
16. Valzer di Giovannino (Chiriatti)
17. Polka di Chiriatti
18. Scotis di Carpignano
19. Quadriglia (A Corigliano)
20. Quadriglia (A Nociglia)
21. Pizzica Pizzica
22. La 'Nzegna (Pizzica Pizzica)
23. Pizzica Pizzica di Cellino
24. Pizzica Pizzica a Santu Paulu
25. Canto di una Tarantata

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Passa ripassa

Pivari trio
Italian folk music

1. Mazurca ‐ prologo
2. Valzer dell'ottocento
3. Rusinòt
4. Rusinòt
5. Monferrine e Scottis di Riolunato
6. Passa ripassa
7. Inglesa bella inglesa
8. Polca antica
9. Polca antica
10. Canzone di Fanano
11. Varsegliè
12. Di nome battessata son Francesca
13. Di nome battessata son Francesca
14. La povera Giulia
15. Ballo dei gobbi
16. Suite 2/4
17. Mazurca – epilogo

Celtic music

Celtic Music From Ireland, Scotland, Britanny

Performed by: Golden Bough



Part I. : 1. The Collaraine Jig/Shark's Favorite/Far from Home/Maids of Mt. Cisco 2. The Brewer Lad 3. Farewell to Whiskey 4. Country Life 5. The Stolen Child 6. One Morning in Spring/Haunting the Hare 7. John Barleycorn 8. She Moved Through the Fair 9. Breton Tunes - Instrumental 10. Song of the Swan Maiden 11. The Merchant's Son/Who Made Your Breeches? 12. Lullaby/Mo Choara Bhan 13. The Cold North Wind 14. The Carrion Crow 15. Follow Me Down 16. The Rattllin' Bog 17. Fond Farewells     Part II. 1. Song of the Fisher Lassies/Blast of Wind 2. Power of the Harp 3. Lady Owen's Delight/Eleanor Plunkett/My Bonnie Boy 4. The Calling of the Road 5. The Witch of the West-Mer-Lands 6. The Blind Harper of Lochmaben 7.The Lark in the Clear Air 8. The Blarney Pilgrim/The Merry Blacksmith 9. The Last Leviathan 10. Doue Lan a Vadeleh/AR Serjant Major/Jan en Piet [Instrumental] 11. Logs to Burn 12. Lovely Molly - Instrumental 13. One Bottle More/Humors of Winter/Apples in Winter [Instrumental] 14. Mairi's Wedding 15. My Little Boat - Instrumental 16. Black Jack Davey/The Drunken Piper 17. The Parting Song