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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Transylvanian Soldier's Song

 with Zoltán Kallós

Zoltán Kallós (Válaszút, Romania, March 26, 1926 - Válaszút, February 14, 2018) is a two-time Kossuth Prize-winning Hungarian ethnographer and folk music collector with the title of 'Artist of the Nation", owner of the "Hungarian Corvin Chain",member of the Folk Art and Ethnography Department of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (2005).

As a result of his folk music collection, he recorded about 15.000 melodies and released 26 cassettes and several CDs.  He played a major role in the establishment and spread of the dance house movement in Transylvania and Hungary.



Side A 
1. Vágják az erdei utat (A forest path is being cut)
2. Járhatok az úton (I may walk the road)
3. Búsul az én szívem (My heart is in mourning)
4. A Tiszából a Dunába folyó víz (Water flowing from the Tisza to the Danube)
5. Anyám, Édesanyám (Mother my sweet mother)
6. Ország útján masírodzok (I am marching on the road)
7. Erdő, erdő, kerek erdő (Forest, forest, a round forest)
8. Udvaromon hármat fordult a kocsi (Thrice did the carriage turned in the yard)
9. Jaj, de szépen muzsikálnak (What nice they are playing)
10. Azt izente Ferenc Jóska (Francis Joseph has send word)

Side B
11. Hej, mikor én felülök a szürke paripámra (Oh when I mount my gray horse)
12. Né, hol kerekedik egy fekete felhő (Look, a big black cloud is coming)
13. Becskereki, Becskereki
14. Kimegyek a doberdói harctérre (I'll go to Doberdo, to the battlefield)
15. Játszik a szél, hej, de játszik a szél (The wind is playing, hey)
16. Mikor megyek a faluból kifele (When I'm going out of my village)
17. Szegény győri bíró (The poor mayor of Győr)

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