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Thursday, 14 October 2021

The Urals Precious Stones

 Traditional Russian Music


Side A
1. Oh, The Fun I Am Having 2:24
2. Valenki 2:33
3. Oh, You, Grunya 1:43
4. Twine, Twine, My Cabbage 1:40
5. Ah, Nastasia 2:37
6. Ust-Utkin Girls' Laments 2:55
7. Rose, My Rose 1:00
8. Russian Tunes 2:40

Side B
9. Urals Precious Stones (Song And Dance) 2:30
10. Road 3:20
11. I Am Rolling, Tossing A Gold Ring 1:20
12. Urals Laments 3:30
13. A Snow-Ball Tree On The Hill 1:27
14. Shall I Teach You, Vanyusha 1:13
15. My Mother Was Sending Me (Humorous Song) 1:08
16. Shenkursk Ditties 2:31
17. Oh, Frost, Frost 1:37

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Transylvanian Soldier's Song

 with Zoltán Kallós

Zoltán Kallós (Válaszút, Romania, March 26, 1926 - Válaszút, February 14, 2018) is a two-time Kossuth Prize-winning Hungarian ethnographer and folk music collector with the title of 'Artist of the Nation", owner of the "Hungarian Corvin Chain",member of the Folk Art and Ethnography Department of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (2005).

As a result of his folk music collection, he recorded about 15.000 melodies and released 26 cassettes and several CDs.  He played a major role in the establishment and spread of the dance house movement in Transylvania and Hungary.



Side A 
1. Vágják az erdei utat (A forest path is being cut)
2. Járhatok az úton (I may walk the road)
3. Búsul az én szívem (My heart is in mourning)
4. A Tiszából a Dunába folyó víz (Water flowing from the Tisza to the Danube)
5. Anyám, Édesanyám (Mother my sweet mother)
6. Ország útján masírodzok (I am marching on the road)
7. Erdő, erdő, kerek erdő (Forest, forest, a round forest)
8. Udvaromon hármat fordult a kocsi (Thrice did the carriage turned in the yard)
9. Jaj, de szépen muzsikálnak (What nice they are playing)
10. Azt izente Ferenc Jóska (Francis Joseph has send word)

Side B
11. Hej, mikor én felülök a szürke paripámra (Oh when I mount my gray horse)
12. Né, hol kerekedik egy fekete felhő (Look, a big black cloud is coming)
13. Becskereki, Becskereki
14. Kimegyek a doberdói harctérre (I'll go to Doberdo, to the battlefield)
15. Játszik a szél, hej, de játszik a szél (The wind is playing, hey)
16. Mikor megyek a faluból kifele (When I'm going out of my village)
17. Szegény győri bíró (The poor mayor of Győr)

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Grajcie Dudy, Grajcie Basy

Polish Folk Music


LP I. 

Side A

I. Region Of Mazowsze
1. Oberek With Couplets
2. The Oberek
3. Oberek With Couplets
4. The Polka
5. Oberek With Couplets
6. Oberek From Osmolin

II. Region Of Kurpie
7. Who's Making The Noise In The Larder?
8. Open The Door, Don't Let Us Stand Here
9. Mary, Don't Stand Like A Pole
10. I've Been In The Church
11. Go, Stanley, God Speed You

III. Region Of Masuria And Warmia
12. Play Me A Szot
13. The Wolf Is Here And The Goat Is Out
14. Our Mother Catherine Has Burned Father's Nose
15. Qadrille

Side B

IV. Border Of Ziemia Lubuska And Wielkopolska Regions
1. Walking Dance
2. I Had A Beautiful Boy
3. I Was In Ihe Garden And Made Three Wreaths
4. The Moon Is Shining And I Am Happy
5. If You Knew How I Love Sunday
6. Hey, Boys, Where Are You Coming From
7. The Wisielok Dance
8. The Wiwat Dance
9. The Round Dance With Couplet

V. Region Of Wielkopolska
10. The Wiwat Dance
11. The Polka
12. The Oberek
13. You Need A Help, Girl, Not To Stand With Boys In The Night
14. Go To The Water, Geese
15. On This Side Of The Lake A Fish Is Drinking Water
16. If You Don't Like My Singing
17. The Wiwat Dance With Couplet
18. Round And Round

VI. Region Of Kaszuby
19. Bazuna Signals
20. The Koseder
21. On This Side Of The Lake A Girl Is Drowning
22. The Tabacznik Polka
23. The Shepherd


Side C

VII. Region Of Opoczno
1. I'm Digging Potatoes And Beets
2. The Oberek With Couplets
3. The Oberek
4. The Polka

VIII. Region Of Opole Silesia
5. The Drake And The Gander Dances
6. Walking Dance
7. The March

IX. Silesian Beskid Highland
8. Shepherd's Tune
9. Tell Me Darling
10. I Am Longin For My Mountains
11. The Linder Dance
12. Crazy Polka

X. Podhale Highland
13. Highlander's Tunes
14. Mountain-Peak

Side D

XI. Region Of Bilgoraj
1. Mammy, Don't Wake Me Up In The Morning
2. Something To Listen To
3. The Suwany Dance
4. The Oberek
5. The Polka

XII. Region Of Rzeszow
6. The Slow Dance
7. The Polka
8. Walking Dance
9. The Tramelka
10. The Suwana Polka
11. The Krzyzak Dance With Couplets

XIII. Region Of Nowy Sacz
12. Walking Dance
13. The Krakowiak
14. The Polka
15. The Tramel-Polka
16. Crazy Polka
17. The Krakowiak

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Folk Music From Gyimes


Side A

1. Lassú És Sebes Magyaros (‚Kezdő‘) / Slow And Swift Hungarian Dances (‘Opening’) 5:23
2. Sebes Csárdás / Swift Csárdás 1:29
3. Lassú És Sebes Magyaros (‚Hajnali‘) / Slow And Swift Hungarian Dances (‘Morning’) 4:55
4. Kettős Jártatója És Sirülője (‚Sürüleje‘) / Walking And Fast Couple Dances 4:55
5. „Egyszer Egy Kicsi Madár” (Keserves) / “Once A Little Bird” (‘Lament’) 5:22
6. Kerekes / Round Dance 3:22

Side B

1. Lakodalmas Dallamok / Wedding Tunes (15:36)
a. Rákóczi Mars („Csángó Rákóczi”) / Rákóczi March 1:42
b. Csárdás 0:58
c. Lassú Magyaros És Sebes Csárdás / Slow Hungarian Dance And Swift Csárdás 4:26
d. Lakodalmi Mars / Wedding March 1:45
e. Amikor Mennek A Tyúk Után‘ („Elment A Tyúk”) / ‘When The Hen Is Followed‘ (“The Hen Went To Wander”) 1:13
f. Héjsza / Chase 5:32

2. „Elvesztette a pásztor a juhait” / “The Shepherd Lost His Sheep” 3:02

3. A Gyászszertartás Dallamai / Tunes Of The Funeral Rites (6:28)

a. Halott Mellett Való Keserves / Lament At The Bedside Of The Deceased 3:02
b. Táncnóta (Lassú Magyaros) / Dance Tune (Slow Hungarian Dance) 1:10
c. Halottkisérő / Funeral Ceremony Tune 2:16

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Russia: Folk Songs Of The Krasnoyarsk Territory



Side 1
1. Dunya
2. The Gnats
3. Oy, Ye My Carriage
4. The Willow Grove
5. Not For Me The Spring Will Come

Side 2
6. The Prisoner's Song
7. Why Are You Low-Spirited Vanyusha?
8. Cossacks Enjoy Themselves Beyond The River
9. Don't Go My Darling
10. It Was From The Eastern Side
11. Oi, It Was Not Me, Who Curled My Hair

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Folk Music From Poland

From Pszczyna region


Side A

1. Spring 1-5
2. Spring 6 - 14 

3. Summer 1 - 7

Side B

4. Autumn 1 - 9

5. Winter 1 - 10

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Szivárvány (Rainbow) Zither Ensemble

 From Mezőtúr, Hungary


Side A
1. Folk Songs And Dances From Szatmár  5:11
2. Dance Music From Transdanubia  5:04
3. Dance Music From Szabolcs  5:38
4. Revelling Songs  5:49

Side B
5. Hungarian Dances From XVII-XVIII. century  3:49
6. Vivaldi The Four Season (Passage From The Winter Theme)  2:25
7. Ungarescha (Hungarian Dances)  5:44
8. Recruiting Dance On The Kőszeg Watch Tower Music  4:52

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Žiūrų Kaimo Etnografinis Ansamblis

 Songs From Lithuania


Side A

1. Mergvakaris (Scena Iš Etnografinio Spektaklio) 21:25
Maiden's Evening (Scene From an Ethnographic Performance)
a. Motula Širdela
b. Vėlų Vakarėlį (Late Dinner)
c. Subatėlės Vakarėlį (Subatėlės Amusement)
d. Oi Onula (Oh, Anne)
e. Kas Apsakys (Who Will Tell)
f. Sėjau Rūtą (I sowed Ruth)
g. Vai Tu, Kasela (Oh You, Pigtail)
h. Vai Tu, Sesyčiuke (Oh You, Young Sister)
i. Dainuok, Sesula (Sing Sister!)
j. Mergvakaris (Pabaiga) (Maidens Evening)

Side B

2. Mergvakaris (Scena Iš Etnografinio Spektaklio) II. 9:26
Maiden's Evening (Scene From an Ethnographic Performance Part 2)
a. Vai Onula (Oh, Anne)
b. Atskyrė Sesulį (Separated Sisters)
c. Liūdnas Man Rytelis (Sad man's morning)
d. Vai Kai Aš Buvau (Oh When I Was...)

Dainos (Songs)
3. Ne Bet Kokia Mergelė Aš Buvau (Not Any Virgin I Was) 1:34
4. Kad Aš Turėtau (That I Had) 1:18
5. Iškasiau Šulinėlį (I Dug Well) 2:19
6. Nuo Pucinų Ir Aviecių (From Viburnum And Oatmeal) 2:45
7. Vai Laukės Laukės (Oh, I Just Waited And Waited) 1:08
8. Daina Apie Žiūrus (Song About Spectators) 1:58