Polish Folk Music
Side A
I. Region Of Mazowsze
1. Oberek With Couplets
2. The Oberek
3. Oberek With Couplets
4. The Polka
5. Oberek With Couplets
6. Oberek From Osmolin
II. Region Of Kurpie
7. Who's Making The Noise In The Larder?
8. Open The Door, Don't Let Us Stand Here
9. Mary, Don't Stand Like A Pole
10. I've Been In The Church
11. Go, Stanley, God Speed You
III. Region Of Masuria And Warmia
12. Play Me A Szot
13. The Wolf Is Here And The Goat Is Out
14. Our Mother Catherine Has Burned Father's Nose
15. Qadrille
Side B
IV. Border Of Ziemia Lubuska And Wielkopolska Regions
1. Walking Dance
2. I Had A Beautiful Boy
3. I Was In Ihe Garden And Made Three Wreaths
4. The Moon Is Shining And I Am Happy
5. If You Knew How I Love Sunday
6. Hey, Boys, Where Are You Coming From
7. The Wisielok Dance
8. The Wiwat Dance
9. The Round Dance With Couplet
V. Region Of Wielkopolska
10. The Wiwat Dance
11. The Polka
12. The Oberek
13. You Need A Help, Girl, Not To Stand With Boys In The Night
14. Go To The Water, Geese
15. On This Side Of The Lake A Fish Is Drinking Water
16. If You Don't Like My Singing
17. The Wiwat Dance With Couplet
18. Round And Round
VI. Region Of Kaszuby
19. Bazuna Signals
20. The Koseder
21. On This Side Of The Lake A Girl Is Drowning
22. The Tabacznik Polka
23. The Shepherd
Side C
VII. Region Of Opoczno
1. I'm Digging Potatoes And Beets
2. The Oberek With Couplets
3. The Oberek
4. The Polka
VIII. Region Of Opole Silesia
5. The Drake And The Gander Dances
6. Walking Dance
7. The March
IX. Silesian Beskid Highland
8. Shepherd's Tune
9. Tell Me Darling
10. I Am Longin For My Mountains
11. The Linder Dance
12. Crazy Polka
X. Podhale Highland
13. Highlander's Tunes
14. Mountain-Peak
Side D
XI. Region Of Bilgoraj
1. Mammy, Don't Wake Me Up In The Morning
2. Something To Listen To
3. The Suwany Dance
4. The Oberek
5. The Polka
XII. Region Of Rzeszow
6. The Slow Dance
7. The Polka
8. Walking Dance
9. The Tramelka
10. The Suwana Polka
11. The Krzyzak Dance With Couplets
XIII. Region Of Nowy Sacz
12. Walking Dance
13. The Krakowiak
14. The Polka
15. The Tramel-Polka
16. Crazy Polka
17. The Krakowiak