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Thursday, 21 January 2016

Zhygeiviu folkloro klubas ''Gile'

Zhygeiviu folkloro klubas ''Gile'

Folk music from Lithuania


1.Buk sveikas
2.Eisim brolaliai
3.Ragu sutartine
5.Kat katineli
6.Ar pameni mano mielas
7.Skuduchiu sutartine
9.Strazde, strazdeli
10.Tolyja tolijute
11.Viens viens
12.Sodai sodai
14.Shunelis (L. Bethovenas)
15.Varpu sutartine

Friday, 8 January 2016

The Old Woman's Dance

Folk music from Scotland
The Tannahill Weavers

The Tannahill Weavers are a popular band who performs traditional Scottish music. Releasing their first album in 1976 they became notable for being one of the first popular bands to incorporate the sound of the Great Highland Bagpipe in an ensemble setting, and in doing so helped to change the sound of Scottish traditional music. This album is their second recorded in 1978. 

1. Cameron McFadgen/The Humors of Cork/The Skyman's Jig
2. The Deil's Awa' Wi' th' Exciseman
3. Bonnie Was Yon Rosie Briar
4. Cam Ye O'er Frae France
5. Wha'll Dance Wi' Wattie/Traditional/Pipe Major George Allan
6. The Laird O' Cockpen
7. The Irish Washerwoman/The Cook in the Kitchen/Miss Girdle
8. Gloomy Winter's Noo Awa'
9. The McGregors

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Oj, ti mome!

Bulgarian Folk Music
with PRAVO Ensemble

1. Pravo
2. Zaljubi
3. Oj ti mome
4. Gajda tunes
5. Trakian dance melodies
6. Ludi mladi godini
7. Buchimish
8. Graovsko
9. Na trapeza
10. Clarinet kopanica
11. Accordion moments
12. Daichovo
13. Air da ne storis mamo
14. Pavle mi pie

Friday, 1 January 2016

Letters from the Uplands - Felföldi levelek

Hungarian, Slovak, Gypsy and Jewish folk songs and dances from Slovakia.

Ensemble "Ifjú Szívek Táncszínház" /Young Hearts Dance Theatre
(Bratislava, Slovakia)

In 2005, Felföldi Levelek (Letters from the Highlands) brought to stage one of the most comprehensive performances on the history of southern Slovakia's Hungarian, Slovak, Gypsy and Jewish dance and music. The basis of the show comes from the letters written during collection trips by Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, and from the writings of Sándor Petőfi and Sándor Márai, each accompanied by the music and dance of the area concerned.

1. Úgy iszok, mint az itteniek (1. levél) - I drink as well as the villagers (1-st letter)
2. Roggyantott guggolós - Spring squatting dance
3. Itt lakom itt gyűjtök (2. levél) - I am living here, i'm collecting here (2-nd letter)
4. Szeretőm szerelme - My lover's love
5. Skriza
6. Még egy faluba rándulok (3. levél) - Now I'm tripping to another village (3-rd letter)
7. Ked’ my za hory zájdeme - When we go for the mountains
8. Vadregényes táj (4. levél) - Wild romantic landscape (4-th letter)
9. Ovcí zdych - Perishing of a sheep
10. Szép madonna arc (5. levél) - Pretty face like a madonna (5-th letter)
11. Három megye határán - On the border of three counties
12. Botostánc juhászkampóval - Shepherd's dance with walking stick
Vasvári meg frisse
13. Mojse
14. Ismeretlenek ismeretlen tánca - Unknown dance of unknown people
15. 1893. évi összeírás (6. levél) - Census 1893 (6-th letter)
Kettes sidlisko - Settlement No. 2
16. Verbunkosok Zemplénből  - Recruiting dances from Zemplén
17. Kassa (7. levél) - Kassa (Kosice) 7-th letter

Spinning - Pördület

Hungarian folk music, songs and dances
with the Ensemble Zengő (Pécs, Hungary)

The ensemble Zengő is committed to play folk music authentically while also fitting it to the sound experience of the present days. The band was founded in 1983 and has made several radio and television recordings and six albums so far. Apart from the Hungarian ones, the group has also had concerts in 18 other countries. Just to mention a few of them: Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 1992, Sidmouth Folk Week 1994, Bardentreffen Nürnberg 1995, TFF Rudolstadt 1999, Quarin Festival Kuwait 2010, Spring Festival Monte - Carlo 2014.

1. Pej paripám (My Bay Horse)
2. Ne menj, szívem (Don’ Go My Heart)
3. Vándor (Wanderer)
4. Kutya fikom teremtette (Whoopee)
5. Dósa Lidi dalai (Lidi Dósa’s Songs)
6. Csipkerózsa, pánkháló (Sweat Briar, Cobweb)
7. Ázom, ázom (In Tears)
8. Én Istenem, eljött este (My God, Evening Has Come)
9. Mária, Mária (Mary, Mary)
10. Háromszor is elindultam (I Have Started Three Times)

Southern Slavic dances and melodies from Hungary

with: Orkestar Čabar (Baja, Hungary)


1. Bunjevac dances from Bacska
 - including: a. Ćape, b. Stari rokoko, c. Novi rokoko, d. Momačko kolo, e. Keleruj, f. Mazuljka, g. Jastuk tanca, h. Srdim se dušo, i. Subotičko kolo

2. Croatian dances from Baranya county
 - including: a. Hopa-cupa, b. Kukunješće, c. Marice kolo, d. Na dvi strane, e. Jabuke, f. Tanac, g. Ranče, h. Baranjsko kolo

3. Šestorka - serbian dance

4. Dances from Banat region
 - including: a. Mladino kolo, b. Rukavice, c. Đurđevka, d. Banatsko kolo

5. Serbian dances
 - including: a. Šetnja, b. Makazice, c. Popovičanka, d. Ti momo, ti devojko, e. Krupan čačak, f. Čačak

6. Macedonian dances
 - including: a. Dimna Juda, b. Kopačka, c. Vie oro, d. More sokol pie, e. Tropnalo oro