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Monday, 30 June 2014

Ro:Toro - Estonian "torupill" music

"Old chronicles and documents contain a great deal of information about the bagpipe as a hugely popular instrument, which had probably become familiar as early as the 14th century. The bagpipe was played for dancing, and the bagpiper was an essential figure in following the customs at weddings and many other significant occasions.
According to some sources, bagpipe players were occasionally exempted from working for the manor lords, although they had to undertake the so-called bagpipe days. In order to make people work faster, a bagpipe player was brought to the field, where he followed the harvesters all day and played his pipe. When he noticed someone slowing down or not doing the job properly he would stop by the person and produce sounds with his instrument as if a pig had got stuck somewhere or was in trouble. This would at once attract attention and laughter from other workers in the field."
Juhan Maaker, or 'Bagpipe-Juss' (1845-1930), was certainly one of the most popular players. He was an excellent musician, and was called the king of bagpipe players. He was also a good talker, always kind and jolly. In his younger years Juss's men from Hiiumaa regularly transported firewood to Tallinn on their sailboats. The wood was either purchased or felled on private land. There was a lot of forested land in Hiiumaa at that time.
"Bagpipe-Juss was always the first to get rid of his goods. He would climb on top of a pile of wood and declare in a loud voice: "Who buys firewood from me, will get a piece of bagpipe music free!" Only when he had sold all his wood were the others able to start trading theirs."
(Cätlin Jaago (1979) graduated from the Viljandi Culture Academy in 2002. Plays Estonian bagpipe, jew's harp, whistle and flute. Teaches at Viljandi Culture Academy and Viljandi Music School for Children.) Source:


1. Lükata, tõmmata ja Isa labajalg
2. Hiidlase vene kamaruska
3. Torupillilugu
4. Kollase nokamütsiga rändaja
5. Mustjala paarisrong
6. Nael Kummi
7. Oh,oh,oh kui hea...
8. Torupilli Jussi labajalg
9. Kalamees
10. Läbi lillede
11. Karjapoisi polka ja Kahurali polka
12. Paras reha
13. Pulmamarss
14. Isa labajalg

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Pentecost in the Balkan

New England contra dance music



1. Strathspey
- Hull's Victory

2. The Arm & Hammer String Band
- Medley: Kitty McGee/Hundred Pipers

3. Allan Block
- Double File

4. Strathspey
- Medley: Ross's Reel/Batchelder's Reel

5. George Wilson
- Swing Away

6. Strathspey
- My Home Waltz

7. The Arm & Hammer String Band
- Medley: Salhamanaca Reel/The Hunter's Purce/Tarbolten

8. Strathspey
- Medley: Turnpike Side/Tobin's Fancy

9. The Arm & Hammer String Band
- Medley: Goin' Uptown/Avalon Quickstep

10. Strathspey
- Medley: Farewell To Whiskey/Mara's Wedding

11. The Arm & Hammer String Band
- Medley: Apples In Winter/Hitler's Downfall
- Westphalia Waltz

12. Strathspey
- Mountain Ranger

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Spel´ Carl Johan

A musical story of the Swedish fiddler Carl Johan Björklund's life
(Hagfors, Sweden)

1. Ja ska sjonge en liten stomp
2. Å mor skulle väve vammel
3. Å katta låg
4. Fårlock
5. Getlock
6. Til til toven
7. Polska efter Skåp Jan
8. Polka från Värmskog
9. Kolarens visa
10. Vals efter Karl Mörth
11. Polska efter Carl johan Björklund
12. Spinnvisa
13. Sven i Rosengård
14. Erik å Sara
15. Ja satte mej i min hussarelåg
16. Gubben å gumman
17. Alle män har kyrkehatter
18. Rallarvisa
19. Pålarvisa
20. Polska efter Jan Carlsa
21. Danslek
22. Schottis efter Carl Johan Björklund
23. Drängpojkens klagan
24. Och Michaeli dagen
25. Vals efter Skåp Jan

Folk songs from Normandy, France

1. Le Corselet
2. Brave capitaine
3. La belle est au jardin d'amour
4. Le passage du bois
5. Ce sont les garçons d'Hattenville
6. Les métamorphoses
7. Flamande, allemande
8. Belle Virginie
9. Sur les bancs de Terre-Neuve
10. Le plongeur noyé
11. La belle qui fait la morte
12. La belle endormie
13. J'ai fait une maîtresse
14. Le marchand de velours
15. Par un matin me suis levé