Harpan min was a youth music group from Uppland in the 1970`s. They play traditional folk tunes how they have learned them from their ancestors. Mats Kuoppala and Anders Liljefors are both music teachers and the leaders of the group.
1. Tulipános, Fecskefarkos, Zöldsalangos Jó Estét Kedves Keresztanyám
2. Szépen Legel Csás Ökröm, A Virág / Megismerni A Darut A Tolláról / Édesanyám Mit Tegyek, Mindig Rólam Beszélnek
3. Sej, Édesanyám, Most Vagyok Szép Időben / Lassan Kocsis, Hogy A Kocsi Ne Rázzon / Este Későn Ragyognak A Csillagok
4. Kalocsai Torony, Jaj, De Messze Ellátszik / Sej, Bíró, Bíró, Homokmégyi Bíró / Barna Kislány Kapuja, Kapuja, Kapuja
5. Esthajnali Csillag Ragyog / Én Vagyok Az, Aki Nem Jó
6. Zavaros A Duna Vize, Mert Megáradt / Nem Messze van Ide Kalocsa / Félre Bánat, Félre Bú, Bolond, Aki Szomorú
7. Szépen Szól A Kalocsai Nagyharang / Árvacsalán Szúrta Meg A Kezemet / Búza, Búza, De Szép Tábla Búza
8. Szép Rozmaringszál Egy Csokorban / Erre Gyere Rózsám, Nincsen Sár / Peng A Kasza, Itt van Már Az Aratás
9. Zöld Búzában Terem A Mérgeskígyó / Édesanyám Olyan Vizet Adott
10. Árok Is Van, Gödör Is Van, Ugorni Kell / Réten, Réten, Réten Terem A Nád / Mári Néni Egy Ingbe, Pendelybe
11. Daru Madár Magasan Száll, Szépen Szól / Földre Hulló Levele Van A Fának / Kalocsába Kidobolta A Bíró
12. Sej, Mikor Mentem Szép Csertőből Kifelé / Pruszlikomon, Két Soron Van A Rózsa
13. Friss Csárdás / Friss Csárdás
14. Megfújják A Trombitát, Lóra Kell Ülni / Kiöntött A Tisza A Partjára / Nem Bánom, Hogy Juhásznak Születtem
15. Októberben, Mikor Mén A Legény Katonának / Ne Feküdj A Szénaboglya Tövébe
16. Kalocsában Kettő A Kisbíró / A Drágszéli Határon
17. Ez Az Én Szeretőm, Ez A Kicsi Barna / Kocsmárosné Ica Lánya A Galambom / Azt A Kutya Mindenit A Világnak
18. Haza Legény, Haza, Haza Már
Kalocsa was founded by Hungary's first King, St. Stephen. It is located in the southern part of the Great Hungarian Plain. Throughout the centuries its inhabitants have fought many occupations. Its small thatched houses had to suffer the frequent floods of the Danube. The drainage of backwaters and marshes, the regulation of the Danube was begun in the middle of the 19th century.
The folk art of Kalocsa represents a peculiar color in the splendid bunch of flowers of Hungarian folk art. Not only has it a rich past, but it is still living, flourishing, developing richly and brilliantly. A magnificent folk art has developed in Kalocsa and its region concentrated in the town itself. From here did it become spread to the neighboring villages: Öregcsertö, Szakmár, Homokmégy, Drágszél and farms belonging to them.
The embroidery of Kalocsa belongs to folk embroidery groups which uses freehand drawings and mixed style of stitching. This also means that in its peculiar style it is not bound to any form, color or stitching technique. Even amongst the rhythmically repeated motifs we can find variations. The character of the original folk embroidery of Kalocsa is, that in drawing and in color the same motifs twice can't appear. There is no well known folk artist in Kalocsa who will repeat exactly a motif. If on an embroidery of Kalocsa the pattern is symmetrical and the motif repeats itself it is not an original folk art. Even if a pattern looks symmetrical at first glance, when examined in details one can see differences in the drawing and colors of the pattern as the picture below shows it clearly.
Eric Sahlström (1912 - 1986) from Masbo, (Vendel, Uppland) was a nyckelharpa spelman, musician instrument maker and composer. He had important role and influence in the nyckelharpa revival time in Sweden. His father and grandfather Anders and Lars Sahlström were both spelmans och they had a lot of tunes after Karl Styfberg and August Boblin. He played together with Viksta Lasse and Leonard Larsson in many years. He played traditional tunes and his own composed opuses with splendid virtuosity and several young musicians got inspired to play nyckelharpa after Eric Sahlström`s nyckelharpa play. The style of his own compositions harmonize perfectly to the to the Swedish folk traditions. These LP contains Eric Sahlström`s most popular tunes with other musicians as "Sahlströmmarna" with Eric`s daughter Sonja and brothers Kalle and Sture Sahlström as well as "Sahlströmgruppen" including Gösta Sandström, Eric`s fellow musician in many years.