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Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Kommandó by night

Szászcsávás Band

Hungarian and Gypsy Folk Music From Transsylvania

Szászcsávás is a small village located in the Kis-Küküllõ River valley of Transylvania, within the current political borders of Romania. The majority of the villages 900 inhabitants are Hungarians, with 20% Gypsies. Szászcsávás holds a unique place in Hungarian music history. Read more...

1. Találkozás a tábortűznél (At the campfire)
2. Jó estét kívánok (Good evening)
3. Őrkői bufaének ("Bufa" songs from Őrkő)
4. Adj neki (Go for it!)
5. Pisti pergetője (Pisti's whirling, dance)
6. Szedjétek, vágjátok! (Vigorous wild rhytms "Beat it, move it!")
7. Ricsi (Richie)
8. Gyertek fiúk.. (Come on lads)
9. Elindultak a cigányok (Gypsies on the road)
10. Etűd (Étude)
11. Alexandra
12. Csapásolás (Hitting dance)
13. Rapszódia (Rhapsody)
14. Mahala
15. Utolsó (h)óra (The last ho(u)r(a) - "óra" means "hour" and "hora" is a dance wide spread in Romania

1 comment:

  1. Hello again,

    Thanking you - much appreciate the effort you have taken.


    Douglas (UK)
