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Thursday, 31 January 2019


Lithuanian folk music

Folklore Club "Gilė" 
The  "Ąžuolas" secondary school in Kaunas  has established a hobby-folklore club in 1994.
The folklore clube has 100 members who not only travel on foot, but also play their own instruments and perform Lithuanian folk songs.


1. Linksmasis
2. Žaliam beržynėly
3. Ai ąžuole
4. Tu žilviteli
5. Apėjo saulutė
6. Kepė boba bundelas
7. Kadu buva kadujo
8. Išėjo strielčielius
9. Augo girioj uoselis
10. Svirtis svyro
11. Kiškelis
12. Užugdė motulė
13. Ažumynė šešurėlis
14. Josiu in kalnelius
15. Ir atskrido du karveliai
16. Oi už ažaro
17. Pijolka rūta čiūta
18. Per dzidzį dvarų
19. Mudu du broliukai
20. Pruo vyšnelių suodelį
21. Žirniki tititi pupupu totata
22. Turėja liepa
23. Tekėjo saulelė
24. Vaikštinėjo tėvulis

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Invasões Bárbaras

Gaiteros de Lisboa

Gaiteiros de Lisboa ("The Pipers from Lisbon") is Portugal's most innovative band in the area of traditional music. Ever since the release of their first album, Invasoes Barbaras, the Gaiteiros have never ceased to amaze us and their albums have always had something new. This one is no exception.

1. Introdução
2. Fandango / Aí Por Cima 
3. A Ribeira do Sol Posto
4. Se Eu Soubesse Que Voando...
5. Romance da Lhoba
6. Lenga Lenga
7. Cinco Por Quatro
8. La Sarandillera
9. Talvez Que Sonhando 
10. Marcha
11. Décimas
12. O Menino Está Na Neve
13. Chula

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Kirstine Sand: Det Dansende Par

Kirstine Sand is one of the upcoming young Danish fiddle players. She plays traditional Danish music with lots of nerve, joy and energy. She has been playing the fiddle since she was 6 years old and have been thought both classical and traditional music. Since 2001 she has been studying at the Carl Nielsen Academy of Music in Odense, where she has been thought in amongst other things the special style of music from the Isle of Fanø by Peter Uhrbrand. In 2005/06 she was an exchange student at the University of Newcastle, UK where she was thought by Catriona MacDonald.

1. Svejtrit / Fra Crianlarich til Lille / Session på Egypt Cottage
2. Storm / Enkeliska
3. Rewentlow / Hun er sød, hun er blød
4. Frørup vals
5. Fredericia / Pirvals
6. En Yndig og Frydefuld Sommertid
7. Æ Lam / Murkey
8. Det dansende par
9. Fyen Rundt / Verden rundt
10. Victoria
11. Kræn Tong / Russisk Kontra
12. Hil dig frelser og forsoner

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Italy: Music from the Apennines

Stefano Valla & Daniele Scurati

1. Alessandrina in La 
2. Suite Alberi Neri: into
3. Suite Alberi Neri: valzer & mazurca 
4. Suite Alberi Neri: polca
5. Madre crudela
6. Valzer
7. Polca 6/8 per Ernesto
8. Anche se... (valzer)
9. Alessandrina n. 2 dai Divertimenti carnevaleschi
10. Mazurca di Jacmon
11. Taramlesca (alessandrina)
12. Lei mi voleva bene (per Tilion)
13. Alessandrina in Re
14. La bella Laurin (per Mario)
15. Guarda la mi stanzetta (valzer)
16. Alessandrina per S.M
17. Piana bella
18. Canta Bertas
19. Polca
20. Modo
21. Sestrina
22. Canzone arrabbiata
23. Gelon Ge Gelon (monferrina)
24. Alessandrina
25. Oppure no (valzer)
26. I gelati son finiti (polca)

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Alaj piva Šokica

Kraljice Bodroga is a womens  singing group from Bački Monoštor (Bačka, Vojvodina, Serbia) They perform original local “šokač” folksongs. The group is a member of  the Croatian Cultural Art Society  “Bodrog. (HKUD Bodrog)  They were founded at the same time as a cultural-artistic society.

Alaj piva Šokica
The recording is part of the program of the Institute for Culture of the Croats in Vojvodina,  trying to record the historical heritage of the “Šokac “ people in Bačka as part of a plan which tries to represent all sub-ethnic parts of the Croatian people.

1. Oj, suboto, najmiliji danu
2. Jedva čekam tavne noci
3. Sirota sam, niko mi ne zaluje
4. Dvi su druge virno drugovale
5. Vrani se konji vataju
6. Kupale se dvi sestrice
7. S rasta lišće sve je popadalo
8. Crne oče dobro vidu
9. Divojka je zelen bor sadila
10. Cvala j´sljiva belica
11. Uranila divojčica, golube da´rani
12. Dukatici zveče more
13. Iz kamena voda teče
14. Visok pendžer, a ja cura mala
15. Moja mama ćilim tka

Monday, 14 January 2019

Od Mohačo do Mohača

Mohács (Croatian: Mohač,  Serbian: Мохач,  German: Mohatsch) is a town in South Hungary in county Baranya upon the Danube river. 

The majority of town is Hungarian and there are living, Croatian (mainly Sokac), Serbian, Roma and German minority. They are living along each other  for hundreds of years ago.

Mohács is famous about the battle in 1526 when the Hungarian and their allied armies fought against the Ottoman Turkish empire.  The Hungarians have been defeated.  After this battle the Ottomans occupied the third part of the ancient Hungarian Kingdom for 150 years.
Mohács has a famous cultural heritage called „Busójárás”. 

The Busó festivities  are a six-day carnival to mark the end of winter, named for the busós, frightening-looking costumed people (traditionally men) wearing wooden masks and big woolly cloaks. The festival is multifaceted, including a children’s costume contest, a display of the art of mask carvers and other craftspeople, the arrival of more than 500 busós in rowboats on the Danube for a march through the city alongside horse-drawn or motorized fantasy vehicles, the burning of a coffin symbolizing winter on a bonfire in the central square, and feasts and music throughout the city. The tradition originated with the Croatian minority in Mohács, but today the busó is a general emblem of the city and a commemoration of the great events of its history. More than a social event, the carnival is an expression of belonging to a city, a social group and a nation. It plays an important social role by offering a chance for self-expression in a communal setting. The arts underlying the festivities are preserved by self-organized groups of busós of all cultural backgrounds, many of whom pass on the techniques of mask carving and ritual celebration to younger generations.

István Bárácz (Croatian: Stipan Barac)
1926 - 2000

As a famous musician in Mohács, Hungary (Croatian: Stipan Barac)  was a prominent person in the southern Slavic folklore and musical culture in Mohács as well as in southern Hungary.


Saturday, 12 January 2019

Šokci in Bačka

Šokci (Croatian: Šokci, Hungarian: Sokacok, Serbian: Шокци) are an ethnographic group of South Slavs mainly identified as Croats. They are not considered a separate ethnicity in Croatia and elsewhere. They live in various settlements along the Danube and Sava rivers in the historic regions of Slavonia, Baranya, Syrmia and western Bačka. These regions today span eastern Croatia, southeastern Hungary, and northern Serbia. Šokci are considered natives in Slavonia and Syrmia in Croatia. The Šokci are Roman Catholic by faith and follow the Latin Rite.
Now in this event we focus on the sokac people living in Bačka region. They live in the settlements of Bački Monoštor, Sonta, Sombor, Bački Breg in Bačka, Serbia, and Hercegszántó in Hungary.

Bački Breg

 Bački Monoštor





7.Kolo i sitne bole
9.Milica je večerala
10.Vesela je Šokadija
11.Jedan dva tri
16.Bećarac i kolo
18.Iz kamena voda teče
19.Jedva čekam
20.Sitne bole

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Taraf de Caransebeș

Folk music from Romania 
(mostly) from the southwestern regions
Taraf de Caransebeș 

1. Suite de danses de la plaine du Banat
2. Suite de danses de Transylvanie
3. Fata banateana ( la fille du Banat )suite de danses du Banat
4. Suite de danses du Valachie
5. Marie poale ciurate" ( le jupon en dentelle de marie) Suite des montagnes du Banat
6. Parada instrumentelor ( parade des instruments)
7. Sorocul" de la Timisoara
8. "Stii Tu Mîndro Ce-Mi Ziceai" (Sais-Tu La Belle, Ce Que Tu Me Disais) Banat

Monday, 7 January 2019

Saturday, 5 January 2019


Bosniaks (Croatian: “Bošnjaci”, singular “Bošnjak” ; Hungarian: “Bosnyákok” ) in Hungarian literature also “Baranyai bosnyákok”) are a Croat population, living in various settlements in the historic region  in county Baranja (Baranya) in its Hungarian part. “Bošnjak” Croats should not be confused with Bosnian Muslims that mostly live in Bosnia and Herzegovina also called “Bosniaks”.
They live in Baranya, in the city of Pécs, also in the villages Kökény, Szemely,Pécsudvard, Szalánta (they came there in the 18th century; today they make 32% of the village population), Pécsudvard,  Németi, Pogány, et cetera. Until recently, Bosniak Catholics were the significant community in Áta and Szőkéd, but those Croats have significantly hungarized.
Bosniaks are remarkable of their highly ornamented folk costumes. You can arrive a very abundant selection of their fine traditions, songs, music and dances when you visit the website of  folklore ensemble  KUD Tanac. Highly recommended!

Hereby can you listen to "Bosniak" folk music from county Baranya

1. Kolo
2. Dunje ranke
3. Tanac 
4. Tanac II.
5. Ranče
6. Todore
7. Drmavica
8. Marice kolo
9. Na dvi strane 
10. Na dvi strane II.
11. Tandrčak
12. Jabuke
13. Romanska
14. Kukunješće
15. Rotkve
16. Trojanac
17. Srpsko kolo
18. Pačići
19. Na dvi strane III.
20. Sitne bole
21. Tandrčak II.
22. Udvarsko kolo
23. Čačcak
24. Drmavica II.
25. Divojačko kolo
26. Marice kolo II.
27. Mohačansko kolo

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Unblocked - Music Of Eastern Europe Part III.

The Balkans

1. Bog Daj, Bog Daj - Katice (SLO)
2. Three Kolos From Slavonija - Jerry Grevich (HR)
3. Svirka Za Spas - Darko Macura (SRB)
4. Titrala Se Devojcica/Kol'ko Ima, Jano/Nabrala Je Devojka - Ljubomir Zivkov (SRB)
5. Hani Rumba - Orkestar Bobana Marcovica (SRB)
6. Ivanovo Kolo - Mica Petrovic's Brass Band (SRB)
7. Ja Sam Cura Mostarka - Sadija Sadikovic, Mujo Muhhi, Himzo Tulic (BIH)
8. There Where The Avalanche Stops - Ibrahim Muca, Islam Mustafa (ALB)
9. Ku T'ka Ala Moj Kumrie - Marita Halili (ALB)
10. Legende De La Femme Enmuree - Legende De La Femme Enmuree (ALB)
11. Ovcepolska Oro - Ensemble Pece Atanasovski (MK)
12. Dve Devoijki - DD Synthesis (MK)
13. Karmensko - Esemble From Yambol (BG)
14. Radomirska Kopanitsa - Yuri Yunakov Ensemble (BG)
15. Aj Stani Snaho Angelino - The Bisserov Sisters (BG)
16. Mechmetio - Bulgarian Voices Angelite (BG)

Unblocked - Music Of Eastern Europe Part II.

From the Danube through the Carpathians

1. Godci Godjo - Tolovaj Mataj (SLO)
2. Chodska Kolecka - Antonin Konrady, Vaclav Svik, Zdenek Blaha, Misa Cernym, Bohumil Kraus (CZ)
3. Haj, Haj, Haj, Haj Zelene Oresi - Martin Hrbac (CZ)
4. Co Ty Zeny - CeskoMoravska Hudebni Spolecnost (CZ)
5. Rozohra- Hej, Bodaj Skazu Vzali- Hej, Hrmelo, Prsalo - Pavel Bielcik (SK)
6. Veru Sme My Chlapci - Terchovska Muzika Rozsutec (SK)
7. Szól a fülemóle; Natarki, Natarki - Miskolc Romafolk (HU)
8. Majd megválik - Zengő Group (HU)
9. I'll Walk Under The Starry Sky - Márta Sebestyén, Ökrös Ensemble (HU)
10. Palóc dudanóták - Újstílus (HU)
11. Gypsy Lament - Szászcsávás Band (HU-Gypsy)
12. Fecioreasca lui Petruta - Dumitru Farcas (RO)
13. Hora - Tony Lordache (RO)
14. Zvoanele - Efta Botaca (RO)
15. Hora ca la ursari - Ursari Of Clejani (RO-Gypsy)
16.Mudarenas tut le Rrom - Rromane Gitare (RO - Gypsy)

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Unblocked - Music Of Eastern Europe - Part I.

Eastern Voices, Northern Shores

1. Two Chants From The Suprasl Cloister - Unija Male Chamber Choir  (RUS)
2. Guelder Rose Above A Ravine Stood, A - The Litwins (BLR)
3. St. Yuria Had Three Daughters - The Litwins (BLR)
4. Vorotarchik - Ensemble Berehinya  UKR)
5. Haida-Haida - Cheres (UKR)
6. Drevo - Drevo Ensemble (UKR)
7. Kopanitsa - Enver Ismailov (Crimea)
8. Skarga Podhala - Zbigniew Namyslowski Quartet/Zakopane Highlanders Band (POL)
9. Lithuanian Suite: Sese Rutas Pasejo / Ak Tu Saula, Saulala / Farmstead Polka / Teka, Teka Upelelis / Ku Veiksi Neverkus - Sutaras Folk Ensemble/Sugitas Rubis  (LT)
10. Latvian Suite: Jana Porika Polka / Manis Del, Vitolini / Chiganini Balelini - Valdis Muktupavels/Klinci/Skandinieki (LV)
11. Tek Sualite Tecedama - Ave Sol  (LV)
12. Estonian Suite: Fanfare / The Dawn / Let's Go Ploughing The Field / Suitor Visiting The Lazy Household / Call For The Midsummer Bonfire 1 - Helene Poeldaru/Veljo Tormis (EST)
13. Au Kiitus Olgu Igavest - Linnamuusikud (EST)