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Friday, 29 June 2018

Hurdy-gurdy in France

  1. Ami Mon Bel Ami - Henri Goguelat
  2. Suite de Polkas - Roger Blanchard
  3. Bourrée Droite [3/8] - George Simon
  4. Montée des Bois de Vaux - Marc Chevrier
  5. Toutes Les Fleurs [Valse] - Jean-Baptiste Millet
  6. Marche Nuptiale - Louis Gourdon
  7. Turlubino - Jean Clément
  8. Opus 10 N3 de Chopin - Jules Devaux
  9. Cabreta d'Amour [Valse] - Marcel Piaud
  10. Suite de Tours Sur le Dret - Victor Gauthier
  11. Bourrée de Royat - Louis Gourdon
  12. Vieux Quadrille Berrichon - Gaston Guillemain
  13. Valse a J. B. - Jean-Baptiste Millet
  14. Regret - Marcel Piaud
  15. Suite Polka Piquée - Louis Gouret
  16. Passion de Jésus-Christ - Jean Gaucon, Joseph Quintin
  17. Bourrée Valsée - Eugene Thomas
  18. Allez-Vous-En Les Gens de la Noce - Henri Goguelat
  19. Suite d'Avant-Deux de Langueux - Bernard Gaucon, Jean Gaucon
  20. Valse a Cadet - Jules Devaux
  21. Boulangère - Ayme Pommateau
  22. Bourrée Carrée [2/4] - George Simon
  23. Rondeau - Alexis Capes
  24. Scottiche a Cadet - Jean-Baptiste Millet
  25. Dégagée [Borrée 3/8] - Jean Clément
  26. Cornemuseux de Marmignolles - Gueniffet
  27. Suite d'Avant Deux de Pleneuf - Adrien Cardin
  28. Valse a Loulette - Louis Gourdon
  29. Filhs de Gasconha [Rondeau] - Marcel Piaud
  30. Mazurkas Corréziennes - Roger Blanchard
  31. Marche du Beuf Villé - Gaston Guillemain
  32. Partons Chers Copagnons - Henri Goguelat

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Neretvansko ravno polje

Folk Music From Croatia
KUD "Metković", Croatia

The "Metković" Folk Dance Ensemble was founded in 1977 in Metković. With their activities they cultivate the traditions of Neretva Valley, Dalmatia and continental Croatia. This culture is connected to the settled Croatian inhabitants, who formerly lived and worked in the inner, mountainous part of the land, as ranchers and cultivators. As they got closer to the seaside, in their culture appeared more elements of the Adriatic culture. The proximity of Dubrovnik and its neighbourhood was a significant factor, also. All these influences co-exist in the dances, songs, music and the forms of clothing. The ensemble wants to preserve every characteristic feature, which was created from this mixture of cultures. As the result of the work of the ensemble in several groups, the folk costume, the dance and singing is live tradition nowadays in Metković. The ensemble is the organiser of the festival "Na Neretvu misečina pala" for a long while, and also a member of the Alliance folk association in France. The ensemble is known among the notable folk ensembles in Croatia and it has a lot of domestic and international prizes.

Tracklist: 1. Neretvansko ravno polje - 2. Šetnja - 3. U jablana visokoga - 4. Desanski šotić - 5. Majka Maru dozivala - 6. Oj visoki moj jablane - 7. Zbogon more, zbogon polje - 8. Momićki šotić - 9. Vrani se konji igraju - 10. Divojka je sve po redu klela - 11. Bile su tri sestrice - 12. A moj dragi u Crepini kopa - 13. Kolo malo - 14. Kuljanski šotić - 15. Grlica grče - 16. Ak imadeš pa nam dadeš - 17. Maslina je gora - 18. Ivukin šotić - 19.Gun, gun - 20. Sve se more - 21.U kralja Norilja - 22. Dirlin, dirlin - 23. Neretvanska poskočica - 24. Nije legla vila - 25. Zdravice - 26. Na Neretvu misečina pala

Friday, 15 June 2018

Groep 1544

Traditional Flemish Tunes

1. Volte /Bransle
2. De Fiere Margriet
3. 't Schippersklavier
4. Roland en Godelinde  / Ludo's Bourrée
5. Hanselijn
6. Menuet
7. Passepied /Brunette /Bransle /Bransle
8. Tjanne
9. Smartlap /Conterdans
10. De Gespeelkens
11. De Valsche Renata
12. ln Hoc Festo
13. De drie herderkens
14. Marche
15. Bergerette

Saturday, 9 June 2018

J' ai vu le loup

Veronique Chalot

1. Chant De La Montagne
2. Bourrée
3. L'empoisonneuse
4. Le Souliers De La Belle
5. La Maumarieè
6. Danse Des Sorcieres
7. Chant De La Mer
8. An Dro-Ronde

Sunday, 3 June 2018

From Ribnica to Rakitnica

Folk songs and music of the Ribniška dolina valley

The Institute of Ethnomusicology holds as many as 837 audio or written recordings of folk songs and tunes from the Ribiška dolina valley. This invaluable collection is partly represented on this compact disc. The recordings are sorted according to the contents: the CD starts with songs of local character, followed by wedding, drinking and humorous songs, as well as wake and religious songs. In the next group there are examples of a folk evening prayer, New Year’s wish, Epiphany carol, incantation and a weather prayer, followed by narrative songs (ballads) and love songs. In order to present the heritage of folk musicians and to add variety, some tunes of typical folk dances in the Ribniška dolina valley and an example of bell chiming are included as well. (Institute of Ethnomusicology, Ljubljana)

1. Od Ribnce do Rakitnce
2. Ne bom ga uzela
3. Pokšotiš
4. Še nocoj smo prišli v vašo hišo
5. Vse veselje je minulo
6. Abraham ma sedem sinu
7. Le pijmo ga, ne glejmo ga
8. V Kangalileji na ohcet so bli
9. Ko je Bog ta grešni svet ustvaril
10. Čotiš
11. Le padej, padej droben dež
12. Rasti, rasti rožmarin
13. Zidam, zidam opoteko
14. Finfar –pritrkavanje
15. Zlati očenaš
16. Žalostna mati pod križem stoji
17. Sveti križ, božji križ
18. Voščim vam srečnu nov letu
19. Prišli smo, prišli smo sv. Trije kralji
20. Ajncpolka
21. Muje očesce naj bo čistu
22. Oče nebeški, usmili se nas
23. O ti šmaren oblak
24. Oponašanje zvonov
25. Navadna polka
26. Lepa Vida
27. Jaz bi se pa rad oženiw
28. Mlinček
29. Minulo je že sedem let
30. Snoči so se fantje stepli
31. Zibenšrit
32. Dobro jutro, Rozka zala
33. Sveta Krstinca je bolna ležala
34. Božec, božec po Rim petlá
35. Pouštrtanc
36. Zvedu sem nekaj novega
37. Šla bom na goro visoko
38. Šuštarska
39. Sinoči sem na vasi staw
40. Polka

Folk songs from Slovenia

Heroic historical, legendary, and fairytale ballads from Slovenia

1. Linčeca Turkinčeca
2. Stoji, stoji tam Beligrad
3. Tam na laški gori
4. Pobelelo pole z ovcama
5. Sinek Martinek, kje si snočkaj biw
6. Jerca je šla po wodo
7. Neiža hodla proso pleit
8. Svet Anton je v zibki spaw
9. Lenka je dvanist ujerbarju mewa
10. Ko zjutraj si stanem
11. Fantič je hodiu daleč v vas
12. Po ciesti mi grieta študentara dva
13. Malnar je zgodaj zjutraj vstaw
14. Sveti Sintilawdeć
15. Jas bom jedne citre küpo
16. Smrt ima suhe nogie
17. Če živ si, Anzel, al mrtov
18. Mindeš, Mindeš, velika vas
19. Jaz bi se pa rad oženiw
20. Moj fantič je v Tirole vandral
21. Po cest cigani rajajo
22. Štiri godci špilajo

Friday, 1 June 2018

Literaturines dainos - Lithuanian folk songs and tunes

by Veronika Povilionienė,  Blezdinga and Gytis Paškevičius

Part I. 
1. Saula
2. Sumka
3. Kas tar teka
4. Sutartine
5. Vai tu, aglala
6. Tilzes miestely
7. Nusieik, mergele
8. Kur kukuoj gegele
9. Sodai, sodai
10. Sukie verpeto
11. Ant kalnelio
12. Skic, kate
13. Ein pijokas
14. Zaliam berzi
15. Ei, brolau, brolau
16. Vai noriu, noriu
17. Sokam, sokam
18. Ein motuse
19. Ankstu ryta keliau
20. Paukstukai 
21. Trys mylimos
22. A-a, liulia mazuji sunuli
23. Ciucia, liulia, sunaiteli
24. Verkia Daumantas
25. Liuliau, liuliaukaici
26. Sauluke, motinuke
27. Nesprok, zalias arzuoleli
28. Lumzdeliu melodija
29. Vai augo augo
30. Paukstukai
31. Beaustancioj ausrele
32. Pjove lankoj siena

Part II.
33. Ant mariu krasto
34. Atein saltas rudenelis
35. Vai aisiu, aisiu
36. Mes trys broleliai
37. Dolijute
38. Saule nusileido
39. Du smuikai
40. Ulonai
41. Prabilkite, zvaigzdes
42. Sveika, Marija
43. Ko palinko zilviciai
44. Menu, atbridot
45. Svintas aniuoli, sarge
46. Laukus, miskus
47. Stoviu as parimus
48. Menulis tikras tevas jo
49. Tas vakaras
50. Tu mik
51. Lek gervele
52. Apie Dariu ir Girena
53. Parlek blezdinga