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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Spevaj nama Katica

Folksongs from Prekmurje region Slovenia

1. Spejvaj nama, Katica
2. Ko se možila bo
3. Marko skače, Marko skače
4. Le pojd, Marija, z menov
5. O zdaj, moja obseda
6. Jezus je pod trsom stal
7. To je lušna pesmica
8. Bog vam daj
9. Oglašanje lucije
10. Kokodak, kokodak
11. Friški, friški, zdravo bote
12. Falen bodi, Jezuš
13. Edna prevelka šuma je bla
14. Oglašanje kupinarja
15. O ženske, sem prite
16. Esik eső, szép csendesen csöpörög
17. Kata Katalejna
18. Tečeju mi, tečeju vodice tri
19. To smo že skožuhali
20. Zdaj se pojdmo, fantje mi
21. Banda svira, banda svira
22. Sonce za goro šlo
23. Rozmarinska vejka
24. Bežimo, tecimo
25. Ringa ringa raja
26. Eden, dva, do Boga
27. Sladoled po deset
28. Ek pek, šica drek
29. Bújj, bújj zöldem, zöld levelecske
30. Na hribčku stoji cerkvica
31. Mati, vi, vi
32. Jas idem v jamo
33. Lajnsku letu san se ženu
34. Že vo veselje, ta pojdem
35. Nevijorski cugi so zafüčkali
36. Zveličar prelübi je prišel nocoj
37. Šetala se gori, doli

The CD's selection of song tradition reveals an image of the Prekmurje region which was strongly characterized by its peripheral status. The musical language of the folk tradition of Prekmurje retained some archaic characteristics and also contains traces of Prekmurje literature as well as the national entwining that accompanied the seasonal work. The uniqueness of the region is apparent from the specific representation of individual poetic genres, and is also emphasized in the accompanying text, which puts Prekmurje on the map of Slovenian song and singing creativity through textological and musicological definition of the region.

Monday, 28 May 2018

Folk voices Finnish folk songs thru the ages

1.I Heard the Voice - MeNaiset
2.Hunting the Devil's Elk - Heikki Laitinen
3.Love's Poison Kills All Sorrows - Von/AF
4.Tellu's Polska - Tellu
5.Calling the Cows - Meri Tiitola
6.Origin of Fire, The - Tiina Kaaresvirta/Petri Korpela
7.O Christ, King of Glory - Tallari
8.Heikki's Polska - Heikki Laitinen/Erik Siikasaari
9.Meri's Polska - Meri Tiitola
10.One Night in the Summer I Did Wander - Sanna Kurki-Suonio
11.Bride's Weeping, The - MeNaiset
12.O Mother - Pia Rask
13.Lucky Lad - Heikki Laitinen
14.I Sat on Thy Bed - Sirkka Mostrom
15.Why Are You Sad? - Marianne Maans
16.Seaman Enjoys Little Esteem, A - Marianne Maans
17.Yonder My Sweetheart - Tellu
18.In the Still of the Evening - Von/AF
19.Lully My Baby - Sanna Kurki-Suonio

Saturday, 19 May 2018

White Carniola - Slovenia

Bog daj dobro leto 

Folksong heritage from Adlešiči (White Carniola, Slovenia)

1. Bog daj, Bog daj dober večer
2. Prošel je, prošel pisani vuzem
3. Od kod si, dekle, ti doma
4. Lepa Anka
5. Ali je kaj trden ta vaš most
6. Pozimi, poleti
7. Rasti, rasti, rožmarin
8. Tribučko kolo
9. Dekle je po vodu šla
10. Lipa mi je, lipa mi je
11. Kopa cura vinograd
12. Ljubca moja, kdo te troštal
13. Rešte se, rešte
14. Jeste li videli moga sinka Janka
15. Lep mi je vrtec ograjen
16. Petelinček lepo poje
17. Šotiš
18. Primi, ženin, čašico
19. Bog je ustvaril zemljo
20. Snoč sem jedno pošto dobil
21. Doletela tičica
22. Zelena mala dubrava
23. Hruške, jabuke, slive
24. Pijmo, bratci, vince
25. Dobar dan, gospodar
26. Išla je devojka
27. Vse tičice lepo pojo
28. Bog daj, Bog daj dober večer

Thursday, 10 May 2018

The Wide Midlands

Contemporary folk music from England


1. The Dudley Boys
2. When Shall We Get Married, John ?
3. The Slap-Bum Tailor
4. Swaggering Boney/The Black Joke
5. Stop That Clock/Early In The Morning/When You Get Up In The Morning
6. Jolly Joe The Collier's Son
7. Owd Never Could
8. I Can't Find Brummagem
9. The Birmingham Jack Of All Trades
10. The Nailmakers' Strike
11. The Old Miner
12. Birmingham Sally
13. Buffoon/Staffordshire Hornpipe
14. Aye For Saturday Night
15. The Aston Villa Supporter
16. Motor Trade Workers

Saturday, 5 May 2018


Dzelzim dzimu 
Latvian Folk Songs

1. Ko domāji tu, kundziņi  - What do you think, dude
2. Novītusi ta puķīte  - He raised the flower
3. Div' baloži  - Two Pigeons
4. Es uzkāpu kalnā - I climb the mountain
5. Zviegtin zviedza kara zirgi - The War Horses Swarm
6. Kas tie tādi  - What are these
7. Pati māte  - The Mother Herself
8. Cīrulīti mazputņi  - Silkworm badgers
9. Māte mani lolodama - My Mother
10. Dzelzīm dzimu  - Born in Iron
11. Sadziedami mēs bāliņi  - We're cool with sadness
12. Karavīra līgaviņa - The soldier's bride
13. Uz tiem laukiem - On those fields
14. Visi kauli noguruši - All bones are tired
15. Uz kariņu aiziedamis - At the rebellion of the war
16. Vīri, vīri, nebūs labi - Men, men, it will not be fine
17. Šķiramiesi, brāleliņi - Come on, brothers
18. Lustīt mana, laimīt mana - My Sweet Victory
19. Uz akmeņa malku cirtu - On a stone peel

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Rigs Of The Time

Tara Folk
Rigs Of The Time
Irish Folk Music

Martin Byrne: Guitar, Vocals
Christy Delaney: Banjo, Mandolin
Alan McBride: Fiddle, Dulcimer Psaltery, Mandoline
Leo Reid: Flute, Whistles, Bodhran


1.The Tailor By Trade
2.The Chemical Workers
3.Ramble Away
4.The Fairy Lady Of Loch Laerne
5.Rigs Of The Time
6.Ballynure Ballad
7.The Garten Mothers Lullabye
8.Sullivans John
9.The Devils Song7
10.Sammys Bar
11.Madame I'm A Darling