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Saturday, 14 February 2015

Vlaamse volksmuziek 1976

Flemish folk music 
with  t'Kliekske

1. Branle
2. Langs een Groen Heidetje
3. Warme Garnars 'T Windeke
4. 'T Is de Bazinne
5. Kant Klossen
6. Daar Zat een Mooi Maagd
7. Boerinneke van Veurne
8. Gemeenschapsdans
9. Mieke Stout
10. Mars der Minnestrelen
11. Kerstlied
12. Op Ene Nieuwjaarsavond
13. Drie Herderkens
14. Het Duivelsros
15. Daarbuiten Die Poorten
16. Vlaggespel
17. Anne Marie Katrien
18. Kattenpolka 

Friday, 13 February 2015

Seasonal songs of Latvia - Beyond the river

1. Es redzeju Jurina - Auri
2. Mildas dziesma - Ilgi
3. Es Jums Ludzu, Saimenieki - Grodi
4. Puke, Puke, Roze, Roze - Auri
5. Ai Dievini Augustu saule - Rasa
6. Janit's sedej Kalnina - Ilgi
7. Joneits Joja Vysu Godu - Grodi
8. Oki, Leitins Leiti Nemceja - Auri
9. Garais dancis - Rasa
10. Gatavs biju karaviris - Auri
11. Dzied pa Priesku, Bral Masa - Rasa
12. Miega del es Raudaju - Ilgi
13. Sajaja Sveslaud's - Auri
14. No Jurinas izpeldeja - Ilgi
15. Kakitei Berns Normira - Auri
16. Mezins deg - Auri
17. Tolku bolss - Rasa

Thursday, 12 February 2015

t'Kliekske - Flemish instrumental folk music

Flemish folk music  - Belgium

1. Paspie menuet
2. Le carnaval anglais
3. Marche des paysans
4. La turque
5. Onder de lindeboom
6. Le retour de la joije
7. Menuet la solide/Le petit concert
8. La Strasbourgeoise
9. Den paltrok die staet
10. Contredanse la gratieuse
11. La pantoufle
12. La dans les bois
13. Marche des brabançons
14. Marche du grand turq/ Marche
15. L'ordre teresien
16. La housarde
17. Les capucins de meudon
18. Le bois
19. De keizer van Zweden
20. Le balei hollandais
21. La stadhouder
22. La reveillée
23. Menuet

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Kommandó by night

Szászcsávás Band

Hungarian and Gypsy Folk Music From Transsylvania

Szászcsávás is a small village located in the Kis-Küküllõ River valley of Transylvania, within the current political borders of Romania. The majority of the villages 900 inhabitants are Hungarians, with 20% Gypsies. Szászcsávás holds a unique place in Hungarian music history. Read more...

1. Találkozás a tábortűznél (At the campfire)
2. Jó estét kívánok (Good evening)
3. Őrkői bufaének ("Bufa" songs from Őrkő)
4. Adj neki (Go for it!)
5. Pisti pergetője (Pisti's whirling, dance)
6. Szedjétek, vágjátok! (Vigorous wild rhytms "Beat it, move it!")
7. Ricsi (Richie)
8. Gyertek fiúk.. (Come on lads)
9. Elindultak a cigányok (Gypsies on the road)
10. Etűd (Étude)
11. Alexandra
12. Csapásolás (Hitting dance)
13. Rapszódia (Rhapsody)
14. Mahala
15. Utolsó (h)óra (The last ho(u)r(a) - "óra" means "hour" and "hora" is a dance wide spread in Romania

Siljansnäs sockenspelmän - Sweden

Swedish folk music

1. Gånglåt efter Skommar Anders Persson 
2. Polska efter Anders Tull 
3. Ovanlig marsch efter Wilhelm Eriksson
4. Låt efter Skommar Anders Persson 
5. Daniels-farfars låt efter Roligs Per Andersson 
6. Gjeterguttens halling, österdalsk gitar


Saturday, 7 February 2015

From Bosnia and Hercegovina

Traditional Music From Bosnia and Hercegovina, Posavina Region

Bosnian root music (izvorna bosanska muzika) came from the Drina valley and Kalesija. It is usually performed by singers with two violinists and a šargija player. These bands first appeared around World War I and became popular in the 1960s. This is the third oldest music following after the sevdalinka and ilahija. Now it is the most popular form of rural music in Bosnia only.

Traditional tunes in traditional singing style of the Ljubuski district in Hercegovina
(Croates in Hercegovina)

    Male choir of HKUD Dubrave

1.Dubrave su
2.Nema brata
3.Ruza rumena
4.Stari momci
5.Po Dubravam
6.Kad zapjevam
7.Otkad nismo zapjevali
8.Stolac vala
9.Dalmacijo majko djevojaka
10.Odbij odbij ladju
11.Na livadi pod jasenom
12.Oj svi Sveti
13.Trusa i trojanac

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Folk music from Landes de Gascogne

Perlinpinpin folc


1. Ian De La reula
2. A Bordèu
3. Rondeau D'Alexis
4. A Las Juenas
5. Polka De Moirepoix
6. Anuéit, Toqueram
7. Rondeau En Fa
9. Quan Gargantua
10. Merci, Grand-Père
11. Sus La Lana De Bordeù
12. Suite De Rondeaux
13. La Mair E La Nilha
14. Fot Me Lo Camp, Canalha


1. Gargantua
2. Suite De Rondeaux
3. La Bataille D'Achos
4. Adishatz Dauna
5. Rondes Chantées
6. La Marion
7. Suite Gascogne
8. La Civaseta
9. Suite De Rondeaux Des Landes