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Saturday, 10 January 2015

Folk music from Moldavia

“Kárpátia” band was founded, by well known young Hungarian folk musicians in 1997.  They played folk music of the  Moldavian Hungarians in the beginning but later the band came into contact with other genres, such as alternative music, folk, ethnic and world trends, jazz. Although the band plays basically dances and songs from Moldavia, you can found music from other districts of Eastern Europa and the Balkans in their repertoire. (from Gyimes, Maramures, Bucovina and Bulgarian, Romanian and Turkish and Gagauz Turk music as well)


1. Music from Moldavia

1. Gergel
2. Tilinkós
3. Pekulár
4. Öregé
5. Archív
6. Magyaros
7. Rózsa
8. Hetes
9. Hatos
10. Stica
11. Keserves és kezesek
12. Kecskések
13. Dedoj
14. Bulgáros

Dávid Eredics  - clarinet, saxophone
Dániel Bolya - pipe, kaval, tilinkó
Mátyás Bolya  - lute, zither
Balázs Jakabffy  - derbuka, davul, daf
László Nyíri  - violin
Attila Búzás  - double bass 
Bea Palya - voice
Sándor Balogh  - flute, tilinkó 
Pál Havasréti  - double bass
Gyula Karacs  - viola, 4-strings viola
Antal Balogh  – Bulgarian kaval 

2. The Fair

1. Kopanyica
2. Máramaros
3. Rózsalíra
4. Vásár
5. Három Dal
6. Bukovina
7. Joc
8. Móc Waltz
9. Gorice
10. Lánybúcsúztató
11. Rebetico Mandilatos
12. Swingeánka

Artwork, Cobza [Koboz], Zither – Mátyás Bolya 
Bass Drum [Davul], Drum [Daf], Goblet Drum – Balázs Jakabffy 
Bass, Tambura [Litárka], Tambura [Viola Tambura] – Attila Buzás 
Clarinet, Kaval [Bulgarian Kaval], Performer [Mosoly], Saxophone, Supervised By – Dávid Eredics 
Engineer [Sound Engineer] – Zsigmond Lázár 
Flute, Kaval, Kaval [Bulgarian Kaval], Pipe – Dániel Bolya 
Horn [Bulgarian Horn], Horn [Hungarian Horn] – Balázs Szokolay Dongó 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Merry Orthodox, Coptic and Armenian Christmas!

Merry Orthodox, Coptic and Armenian Christmas! 

C Рождеством Христовым!
Христос се роди! 
Щасливого Різдва Христового - 
Un Crăciun fericit!
መልካም የገና - የልደት በዓል 
З Божым нараджэннем!
Cреќен Божиќ!

መልካም ገና (Melkam Gena)

გილოცავთ შობა-ახალ წელს (gilocavth shoba-akhal c’els)

Շնորհավոր Ամանոր և Սուրբ Ծնունդ
(Shnorhavor Amanor yev Surb Tznund)

(Shnorhavor Nor Daree yev Soorp Dzuhnoont)
Բարի կաղանդ և ամանոր
(Paree gaghant yev amanor)

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Contemporay folk music from Ulster

Folksongs and contemporary music from Northern Ireland or Ulster themed songs and tunes
with The Blarney Lads, Claire Hamilton, Waxies Dargle...

1 The Blarney Lads - Black Velvet Band
2 The Blarney Lads - Carnloch Bay
3 The Blarney Lads - The Wild Rover
4 Christy Keaney - Londonderry Air
5 The Royal Irish Rangers with Ann-Marie O'Farrell - Sleivenamon
6 The Band & Pipes of The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars - Carlingford Loch
7 Claire Hamilton - Carrickfergus
8 Waxies Dargle - City Of Dreams
9 Waxies Dargle - Belfast Boy
10 The Blarney Lads - I'm a Rover
11 Claire Hamilton - Star Of County Down
12 Claire Hamilton - My Lagan Love
13 The Blarney Lads - I'll Tell Me Ma
14 The Blarney Lads - Peggy Gordon
15 The Blarney Lads - Enniskillen Dragoon
16 The Band & Pipes of The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars - Green Glens Of Antrim/ The Star of County Down
17 The Blarney Lads - Gypsy Rover
18 Claire Hamilton - Londonderry Air (Reprise)

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Folk musicians dancers and singers from Greece

UNESCO Edition

1.Miroloi - Christos Litos/Photis Chalkias/Anastasis Chalkias/Polychro Chalkias/Sabbas Siatras 2.Wedding Song from North Epirus - Christos Litos/Photis Chalkias/Anastasis Chalkias/Polychro Chalkias/Sabbas Siatras

3.Shepherd's Song - Leondias Koufoianis
4.Clarinet Solo - Leondias Koufoianis

The Peloponnese
5.Klephtic Song - Christos Panoytsos/Yorgos Tikos/Georgios Florios/Kyriakos Kosoulas
6.Skaros - Yorgos Tikos/Georgios Florios/Kyriakos Kosoulas

7.Thracian Air - Kariofilis Doitsidis
8.Table Song - Kariofilis Doitsidis/Theopoula Doitsidu
9.'Ud Solo - Kariofilis Doitsidis

Asia Minor
10.Santuri Solo - Konsolas Ermollos

11.Shepherd's Dance Song - Nicolaos Papauramidis

12.Lyre Solo - Ioannis Skalidis
13.Recitative - Despina Skalidu/Ioannis Skalidis/Vasilios Manoudakis
14.Mountaineer's Song Followed by a Mantinades: Mountaineer's Song / Mantinades - Vassilis Saloustros/Ioannis Gerakakis

Contemporary folk music from England

1. Band of the Blues and Royals - Rose of England 
2. Claire Hamilton - Morning has broken 
3. Band of the blues and royals - Scarborough fair 
4. English Country Dance Band - The lodge road/From night til morn 
5. Paul and Jane Burgess - Green bushes 
6. Claire Hamilton - Lo, how a rose e`er blooming 
7. Band of the Blues and Royals - Early one morning 
8. Band of the Blues and Royals - The Cornish floral dance 
9. Band of the Blues and Royals - Mary and the gallant soldier 
10. Paul Burgess and Johnny Coppin - Worcestershire/Gloucestershire hornpipes 
11. Paul Burgess and Johnny Coppin - Apples in the winter/Gillians apples 
12. Band of the Blues and Royals - English country garden 
13. Claire Hamilton - Greensleeves 
14. Paul and Jane Burgess - Rosebuds in June 
15. Bill Zorn - Sailors hornpipe 
16. Windjammers - What shall we do with a drunken sailor 
17. English Country Dance Band - Double lead through/Give us some treacle and bread 
18. Paul Burgess and Redhouse - Tit for tat/Moll in the wad 
19. Band of the Blues and Royals - There`ll always be an England

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Folk music from Romania

Wild sounds from Transylvania, Wallachia & Moldavia

with: Dumitru Farcas, Taraf Mociu, Florea Pascu, Taraf de Haiduks, Fanfare Ciocarlia and other artists from all districts of Romania

1. Doina de pe valea cernei  
2. Ca pe lunca / Briu  
3. Corbea
4. Cine trece pe cimpie 
5. Briu  
6. Doina  
7. Simbra oilor  
8. Joc batuta lui craciun  
9. Joc de bota  
10. Horea oilort  
11. Joc tiganesc si invirtita  
12. Polca de invirtit  
13. Ardeleana de doit  
14. Nu-i motro ca stiu cinta  
15. Hora secerii  
16. Hora pacurarului  
17. Sipotul / Zdirnaita in Doi / Rogojana  
18. Sus la Paru Dintre VII  
19. Turceasca  
20. Rind de Horet  
21. Hora de la Bucuresti  
22. Geamparalele  
23. Ciocarlia