Folksongs from Prekmurje region Slovenia
1. Spejvaj nama, Katica
2. Ko se možila bo
3. Marko skače, Marko skače
4. Le pojd, Marija, z menov
5. O zdaj, moja obseda
6. Jezus je pod trsom stal
7. To je lušna pesmica
8. Bog vam daj
9. Oglašanje lucije
10. Kokodak, kokodak
11. Friški, friški, zdravo bote
12. Falen bodi, Jezuš
13. Edna prevelka šuma je bla
14. Oglašanje kupinarja
15. O ženske, sem prite
16. Esik eső, szép csendesen csöpörög
17. Kata Katalejna
18. Tečeju mi, tečeju vodice tri
19. To smo že skožuhali
20. Zdaj se pojdmo, fantje mi
21. Banda svira, banda svira
22. Sonce za goro šlo
23. Rozmarinska vejka
24. Bežimo, tecimo
25. Ringa ringa raja
26. Eden, dva, do Boga
27. Sladoled po deset
28. Ek pek, šica drek
29. Bújj, bújj zöldem, zöld levelecske
30. Na hribčku stoji cerkvica
31. Mati, vi, vi
32. Jas idem v jamo
33. Lajnsku letu san se ženu
34. Že vo veselje, ta pojdem
35. Nevijorski cugi so zafüčkali
36. Zveličar prelübi je prišel nocoj
37. Šetala se gori, doli
The CD's selection of song tradition reveals an image of the Prekmurje region which was strongly characterized by its peripheral status. The musical language of the folk tradition of Prekmurje retained some archaic characteristics and also contains traces of Prekmurje literature as well as the national entwining that accompanied the seasonal work. The uniqueness of the region is apparent from the specific representation of individual poetic genres, and is also emphasized in the accompanying text, which puts Prekmurje on the map of Slovenian song and singing creativity through textological and musicological definition of the region.
35. Nevijorski cugi so zafüčkali
36. Zveličar prelübi je prišel nocoj
37. Šetala se gori, doli
The CD's selection of song tradition reveals an image of the Prekmurje region which was strongly characterized by its peripheral status. The musical language of the folk tradition of Prekmurje retained some archaic characteristics and also contains traces of Prekmurje literature as well as the national entwining that accompanied the seasonal work. The uniqueness of the region is apparent from the specific representation of individual poetic genres, and is also emphasized in the accompanying text, which puts Prekmurje on the map of Slovenian song and singing creativity through textological and musicological definition of the region.