Folk music from Dalarna, Sweden
Dalarna is a historical province or landskap in central Sweden. English name forms established in literature are Dalecarlia and the Dales. Places involving the element Dalecarlia still exist in the United States.
Dalarna adjoins Härjedalen, Hälsingland, Gästrikland, Västmanland and Värmland. It is also bounded by Norway in the west.
The word "Dalarna" means "the dales" (valleys). It is a region full of historical associations, and possesses strong local characteristics in respect of its products, and especially of its people. In the western districts of Älvdalen and Lima some people in villages speak an old-time dialect, the Dalecarlian language. Historically, the people of Dalecarlia are famous for their sturdy love of independence.Kurbits painting is a decorative style of painting that was very popular in Sweden between 1780 and 1870, particularly in Dalarna and southern Norrland.
1. Karl-Johanmarschen
2. Ack Skönaste Morgon
3. Springlek Efter Omas Per
4. Maklins Brudmarsch
5. Torsmopolskan
6. Sorgens Makt
7. Djävulspolskan
8. Polska I Tre Repriser
9. Tokpolskan
10. Polska Efter Pekkos Per
11. Polska Efter Ritekt Jerk (1)
12. Polska Efter Ritekt Jerk (2)
13. Polska Efter Petters Erik
14. Polska Efter Karls Anders
15. Av Hjärtat Jag Dig Älskar
16. Sjungarspringlek
17. Lima Brudmarsch
18. Första Halvan
19. Andra Halvan
20. Blind-Mattisleken, Limavarianten
21. Polska Efter Fjös Erk
22. Springlek Efter Omas Ludvig
23. Marsch Fran Näs Finmark
24. Katlåten
25. Schottis Fran Trånstrand
26. Springlek Efter Lissmyr Erik
27. Vals Efter Lejsme Per
28. Schottis Från Idre
29. Polska Efter Troskari Erik
30. Drevsjövalsen
31. Tussa Lulla