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Saturday, 10 September 2016

Faces Of Russia

Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble
Old folk music and songs from Russia

1. Epicheskaya Pesnya
2. Bereza Na More
3. Gde Zh Ty Byl, Shel'ma
4. Shutochnoe Stihotvorenie
5. 116 Psalm Carya Davida
6. Devushki Gulyayut
7. Gusli
8. Zelenyy Luzhochek
9. Molitva
10. Goy, Pod Kievom
11. Tumany
12. Vsadniki Drugi
13. Zakat
14. Vargan
15. Tihiy Svet
16. Pervaya Zapoved'

Folk Music From Belarus, Polesia region

Folk Music From Belarus (Polesia Region)

'Polesia, Polissya, or Polesie is one of the largest European swampy areas, located in the south-western part of the Eastern-European Lowland, mainly within Belarus and Ukraine but also partly within Poland and Russia. The swamp areas of Polesia are known as the Pripyat Marshes (after the Pripyat River) or Pinsk Marshes (after the major local city of Pinsk).'

Read here about Belorussian folk music traditions!


Tracks: 1.Christmas carols and New Year’s songs - 2. Violin play - 3. Ronde - 4. Dancing tune on a fife - 5. Harvest songs - 6. Reed-pipe solo - 7. Weeding songs - 8. Housewife - 9. Comic love songs - 10. Ballad - 11. Poetic song - 12. Lyrical song - 13. Primak - 14. Dramatic song - 15. People’s songs from World War II - 16. Love songs - 17. Festive songs and dances

Nerush - Folk Music From Belarus

Folklore Ensemble "Nerush"


1. Ой аралi хлопцы нiву
2. Маруся
3. Палесскi вальс
4. А у нашом сэлi
5. Полька
6. Там на луцэ
7. Ой, у полi тры дубы
8. У кумы у агародзе
9. Чэпец
10. Там на лужку
11. Колы б той вечор...
12. Кацярынка
13. Ой, там за гарамi...
14. Ой, ты вiшанька...
15. Закацiсь, завалiсь, жаркае сонейка...
16. Цi ж я не хазяйка?
17. Ой, пры лужку...
18. Удоль па рэчачцы...
19. Вясняначка
20. Вальс
21. Кругавая

Thursday, 8 September 2016

The Ukrainian Lira

Mychajło Chaj


1. Jezusie Mój / Isuse Mij
2. Dunaju, Dunaju, Czemuś Taki Smutny / Dunaju, Dunaju, Czemu Smuten Teczesz
3. Płacz Niewolnika / Płacz Newolnyka
4. Oj W Polu Mogiła / Oj U Poli Mohyla
5. Pogórskie Kołomyjki / Pidhirs'ki Kolomyjky
6. Zbolała Matka / Stradalna Maty
7. Nie Ma W Świecie Prawdy / Ta Nema W Switi Prawdy
8. Bieda / Bida
9. Czarna Rola Zaorana / Czorna Rilla Izorana
10. Sierotka / Syritka
11. Marusi Bogusławiance / Pro Marusiu Bohuslawku

The Ukrainian Bandura

The Kobzari Of Ukraine
Julian Kystasty


1. Black Sea Winds
2. Cossack Lament
3. Bitter Life - Banish Misfortune
4. The Chumak Flute
5. I'll Walk Through The Meadows
6. The Fatal Porridge
7. Fedir In The Ditch
8. The Widow And Her Three Sons
9. The Burning Candle
10. Scherbyna's Kozachok
11. The Brother And Sister
12. Esperanca
13. Echo Of The Steppes
14. The Song Of Truth And Falsehood
15. Elegy